Vučedol Culture Museum 360°

Culex - - Vučedol Culture Museum 360°

Vučedol Culture Museum 360°

The virtual reality, which we started to deal with among the first in the country, has opened us a number of doors. One such collaboration is cooperation with the Museum of Vučedolska Kulture. In the project, we had the task of visualizing or photographing and photographing the interior and exterior locations of the museum, which would be available for presentations to visitors and business partners. After drafting the plan and setting up the goal, we started with 360 shooting and shooting the location.

After making the recording, we went to postproduction, where we did all the materials and worked it out. The project is done in a short time, and the pleasure is both.

Na dodjeli nagrade Živa koja se održala u Muzej antičkog stakla - Zadar odlučili smo kolegama muzealacima kao i svim zainteresiranima prezentirati naš Muzej na jedan poseban način. U suradnji sa VR Osijek napravili smo 360 virtualnu šetnju kroz naših 5 odabranih soba gdje su zainteresirani mogli iz Zadra na trenutak biti u Muzeju vučedolske kulture.Pogledajte njihove dojmove :D#Vučedol #VR #VisitYesterdayToday

Gepostet von Muzej vučedolske kulture / Vučedol culture museum am Dienstag, 20. September 2016


  • Client:Bearsthemes
  • Date:May 14, 2018
  • Tags:photography, agency, creative
  • Project Type:Multipurpose Template


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