Augmented reality (AR)

Culex - Augmented reality (AR)

Augmented reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the currently available virtual technologies. Unlike VR, AR content can be consumed using only mobile devices, making technology accessible to a wide range of end users.

AR is based on setting up virtual layers in the rationalization of “real” reality. AR applications read contextual layer information, and based on them, the user receives interactive feedback in the form of virtual content.

You’ve probably already come across AR without you noticing – Snapchat Animated Emoji, Instagram Labels and Pokémon Go are all mainstream examples of ARs.

AR - Development and production

  • AR - Concept definition

  • AR - Minimum viable product (Prototype)

  • Content creation

  • AR - App development

  • AR - AR Glasses

  • AR - Mobile devices

  • AR - MR Headset

  • AR Core

  • AR Kit

  • Vuforia

AR - Applications

The Culex XR provides the services of producing original interactive content in expanded reality. The project and content parameters can be fully adapted to the wishes and needs of the customer.

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