XR / VR / AR / MR – What’s the difference?

Culex - Technology - XR / VR / AR / MR – What’s the difference?

Nowadays, the new fast-growing technology connects with acronyms like: VR; Virtual Reality, AR; Augmented Reality, MR; Mixed Reality, XR; Extended Reality, although for the XR we did not encounter a Croatian name, Extended Reality seemed to us a logical selection of translations for this article.

It is important to understand that these technologies come from different sources and actually perform different functions. For example, 3D objects and AI; Artifical intelligence is important for each of these technologies. In the following section we will explain the meaning of each acronym.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) is a thriving experience also called a computer-simulated reality (Computer-simulated reality). It relies on computer technology using a special headset with two liquid crystal display screens to generate realistic images, sounds and other senses that replicate true reality or create a virtual world. The true VR environment will include all 5 senses (Taste, Vision, Fragrance, Touch, Sound), but it is important to say that this is not always possible.

Most of today’s VR systems rely on sound and imagery to overwhelm the virtual experience most of the time. Now it’s easy to say that VR is a well-established technology that we can classify under real-tech technology. After years of gaining popularity in the gaming industry, we are increasingly seeing this technology appearing for other purposes and more practical applications. The market and industry are still excited about this technology and its lengthy progress that is expected in the near future.


Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) uses a live, direct or indirect view of the actual physical world whose elements are expanded (or complemented) by sensors and computer generated graphics, video, sound, or GPS data. Given that AR technology is beyond the reach of our world, it allows so much freedom as we have in real life.

AR combines your existing reality and adds it to it by using some kind of device (Mobile, Tablet, and various other devices). Mobile Phones and Tablets are the most popular media of AR technology currently, through the camera, the application creates a layer of digital content in the environment. AR is also used with custom headset.


Mixed Reality (MR)

Mixed Reality (MR) Mixed Reality (MR) sometimes called hybrid reality (Real Hybrid Reality) is actually a combination of the real and virtual world to create a new environment and visualization where physical and digital objects coexist and interact real-time. That would mean; a pictorial exposition within the actual space in such a way that with a new picturesque exposition it is possible to achieve interaction, to some extent, with what is in the real world we know it. The key feature of MR is the real-world content reaction with synthetic content in real time.


Produžena Stvarnost (XR)

Produžena Stvarnost (XR) je novo dodani pojam u riječniku tehničkih izraza. Trenutno, samo je nekolicina ljudi svjesno XR-a. Produžena Stvarnost (XR) se odnosi na sve, stvarno-virtualno spojene okoline i ljudsko-mehaničke interakcije generirane od strane računalne tehnologije i nosećih artikala (Eng. Wearables). Produžena stvarnost (XR) uključuje sve opisne forme kao što su Proširena Stvarnost (AR), Virtualna Stvarnost (VR), Mješana Stvarnost (MR). Drugim riječima, XR se može smatrati poput kišobrana koji objedinuje sve tri stvarnosti (AR, VR, MR) zajedno pod jednim pojmom, stvarajući manju zbunjenost javnosti i krajnjeg korisnika. Produžena Stvarnost (XR) pruža širok izbor i veliki broj nivoa u virtualnosti s djelomičnim senzorskim ulazima pa sve do uranjajuće virtualnosti.

Kroz par godina u prošlosti smo razgovarali o AR, VR i MR tehnologijama, no u nadolazećim godinama ćemo vjerovatno pričati o XR tehnologiji.


VR uranja ljude u potpuno virtualno okruženje; AR stvara sloj digitalnog sadržaja preko okoline, no ne može stvoriti interakciju s okolinom; MR je spoj virtualne stvarnosti i prave stvarnosti, stvara virtualne objekte koji mogu komunicirati s okolinom iz stvarnog svijeta. XR spaja sve tri stvarnosti (AR, VR, MR) pod jednim pojmom, XR.

XR je budućnost; Industrija, Inžinjerstvo, Prodaja, Zdravstvo, Edukacija, Vojska, Zabava, Hitni slučajevi, Marketing i puno, puno više.


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